Obviously, I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing they haven't made a late night trip to Fat Boys Diner, the 1953 Worcester diner located at Trinity Buoy Wharf.
Perhaps they've 'popped round' to an Ed's Easy Diner. While technically not a diner, the restaurant chain has been a fixture in the city close to 25 years. I was at the one in Covent Garden in 1989, before diners ... or Ed!
England certainly has it fair share of American style restaurants ... and a fascination with Americana that dates back to Elvis.
So, if the upcoming Royal Wedding wasn't enough of a reason to make the trip, add checking out Starvin Marvins, a 1997 DinerMite diner in Greenford and the Riverview Diner, a 1940s O'Mahoney in Kent to your itinerary.
Actually Fat Boy's Diner (former Georgetown Diner) is a 1956 or 57 Worcester Lunch Car not 1953